Austin, Agnes

Agnes Austin
WILL: 12th December: 1677:
In the name of God Amen The last Will & testament of Annis Littlefejld 1:first I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty god, my maker, mybody to bee buried in Christean buriall, at ye discretion of my executorhereafter mentioned 1: I do giue unto my daughter Hannah Cloyce my bed &bowlster, & Katterine Wakefejld to deliuer It to her 2: I giue unto mythree daughters, Elizabeth Wakefejld, Mary Barrett, & Hannah Cloyce, allmy lining & Wollen New & ould to bee equally diueded amongst them I giueunto my sonn John Littlefejld my Cow Gentle & fiue buslls of Corne I giueunto my daughter Merribah foure buslls of Wheate due from ye Mills I giueto my Grandchild Katterine Wakefejld my Rugg & eight buslls of Corne Igiue to my sonn Peter Cloyce too Acres of Marsh bee it more or less, ytlyeth on the South West side of Mr. Whelewrights Necke of Land I giueunto my sonn Thomas Littlefejld, who hath taken a great deale of care ofmee, all the rest of my househould goods Corne & Chattles, & I do make mysd sonn Thomas Littlefejld, my whoole & soole executor, & to receiue alldebts comeing to mee, & to pay all If any thing there bee that I do ow, &to take all the remajndr to him selfe & to see my will fullfilled
Signed, & Deliuered, Annis Littlefejld
In ye Presence of us,
Joseph Bolls her marke (x)
William Symonds
(Sworn to by attesting witnesses & recorded 2 April 1678; Inventoryreturned at ยฃ36:15:0, by Samuel Austine and Joseph Bolls, appraisers, 7March 1677/8.)
  • 1/01 FEB 1596/1597 - Christening - ; Titchfield, Hampshire, England
  • MAY 1638 - Emmigration - ; Southampton, England abourd the ship "Bevis"
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Richard Austin
Marriageto Annis
PARENT (F) Annis
Marriageto Richard Austin
FAgnes Austin
Marriage16 OCT 1614to Edmund Littlefield at Titchfield, Hampshire, England
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Edmund Littlefield
BirthTitchfield, Hampshire, England
Death11 DEC 1661 Wells, York, Maine, USA
Marriage16 OCT 1614to Agnes Austin at Titchfield, Hampshire, England
FatherFrancis Littlefield
PARENT (F) Agnes Austin
Marriage16 OCT 1614to Edmund Littlefield at Titchfield, Hampshire, England
FatherRichard Austin
MAnthony Littlefield
BirthTitchfield, Hampshire, England
Death1662Wells, York, Maine, USA
Marriageto Mary Page
[S80]New England Historical and Genealogical Register, The
Descendancy Chart
Edmund Littlefield d: 11 DEC 1661
Edmund Littlefield b: 1650 d: 9 APR 1718
Elizabeth Mott b: 5 DEC 1666
Edmund Littlefield b: 1692 d: 27 MAY 1717
Bethiah Waldo b: 20 AUG 1688
Esther Littlefield b: 6 NOV 1714 d: 2 MAY 1792
Silas Briggs b: ABT 1732
Samuel Soper b: 1 NOV 1709 d: 23 AUG 1749
Hannah Soper b: 25 FEB 1733
Daniel Pettingell b: 10 OCT 1726 d: 20 NOV 1808
Silvia Pettingell b: 8 MAY 1761 d: 15 NOV 1822
Zebulon (Revolutionary Soldier) Phillips b: 5 FEB 1756 d: 15 APR 1825
Zebulon Phillips b: 1781 d: 15 DEC 1838
Rachel C Roberts b: 1780 d: 1860/1861
Emily Stillman Phillips b: 8 MAY 1814 d: 29 MAR 1869
Seymoure Hart Gooding b: 11 OCT 1807 d: 7 APR 1870
10 William Seymour Gooding b: 21 DEC 1852 d: 1921
Isabelle Harriet Gaines b: 26 APR 1855 d: 1922